A two-hour workshop that will provide you with the skills to deliver a presentation with confidence.
Chief Verbalizer, Ronke Kokoruwe LLM, is a lawyer by profession who now coaches and accelerates business executives to grow by becoming more self-aware resulting in greater influence and impact. She uses insight, humour and creativity to support her clients to communicate with greater ease and clarity, enhance their performance and gain a better understanding of their personality traits, strengths and weaknesses.
At iVerbalize, we are genuinely passionate about enabling people from all walks of life to take the steps from being spectators to courageous and confident speakers. Our methodology is simple, fun and creative and builds on your existing personality and strengths so that you remain true to your unique self as an authentic speaker. Our positive and supportive training uniquely combines highly interactive small group work with coaching for your individual needs in a safe and encouraging atmosphere.
Please email julia@officetribe.co.uk to book your place.